CBD Vape Oil TincturesCBD Oil Tinctures were the most common form of CBD for the long time. It is an oral tincture that could be taken sub-lingually. Once new methods of consuming CBD like vape oils, edibles and capsules became more readily available, oral drops in form of CBD oil tinctures are no longer the only option for taking CBD as a supplement.

Here at CBD Goldline – we carry a variety of CBD products ranging from edibles, oils, waxes and more. On this page, you’ll find our highest quality CBD Oil that are meant to be used with a CBD vape pen or taken orally. We carry the most high quality CBD tincture oils that are vaporable on the market. Shop with confidence for flavored CBD tincture vape oils. 

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Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $12.00.

Why Use CBD Vape Oil with Tincture?

CBD has become more popular than ever since there has been new research supporting a myriad of benefits that CBD can provide. Many people often hear the word tincture but they don’t often know what tinctures really are. We believe its important to educate our customers so that they can make an educated decision when purchasing products from our store. Let’s review the main difference between CBD Tincture and CBD vape oil.

CBD Vape Tincture Oil

CBD Oil tincture or any tincture is essentially a method of extraction (it can be of a plant based or animal based material) which involves dissolving the material in ethyl alcohol and then letting the alcohol evaporate complete which happens quickly due to the unstable molecular structure of alcohols. When the alcohol evaporates, you’re left with a pure form of CBD known as “tincture”.

Making tincture is not something you can do at home easily, so we don’t recommend you trying to do so. Instead, you can rely on our lab tested CBD oil tinctures for sale online. Many people enjoy using tinctures because when compared to edibles, they’re calorie free. So if you’re trying to maintain a nice figure, brownies with CBD may not be the best route – instead you could try vaping some CBD Oil tincture and avoid having to worry about excess calories and sugar intake.

500mg CBD Oil Tincture

Shop From a Wide Variety of the Best CBD Tincture Oils For Sale

When shopping for CBD Tinctures for vaping, you may notice that there are many different options to choose from when it comes to strength and volume.

For example, we carry a variety of 30 ML CBD oil bottles for sale that vary in strength. The Strongest CBD tincture that we carry in a 30 ML bottle is our 500 MG Mango CBD oil, we also carry 2 others that came in 300 MG or 100 MG per bottle. This gives users the options to choose a concentration amount that is suitable for their body type. Some of our customers like to take stronger concentration CBD products while other prefer something that is not so strong.

If you’re looking for a variety of flavors and concentrations, you’re in the right place. We carry options for those that are new to cannabidiol tinctures and for those who consider themselves veterans of CBD. Check out our product selection which includes cartridges that are pre-filled with CBD tincture and even CBD crumbles for those that prefer wax or dabs.

For example, our most popular seller is our 300 milligram bottle (30 ML) of CBD Oil Tincture. Customers have left reviews about this product stating that it “really helps relieve my anxiety”. Another user says “this is one of the best CBD oils and it helps me with my anxiety”.

The 300 MG option is likely our most popular seller because the concentration amount is just-right. While some users who try the 100 MG report that it works just fine, other feel that it requires extra dosages to get the desired effects. Many customers that start off with 100 MG eventually upgrade to the 300 MG option as they grow more of a tolerance to the CBD. 500 MG is a strong concentration and usually only for customer who have a good amount of experience taking CBD oil tinctures.